Based in Muizenberg, Cape Town, South Africa

Brushing up on Stern - Permanent Collection of the Iziko South African National Gallery

Gallery Bon Bon

Regular price R 400.00

Catalogue of the exhibition, Iziko South African National Gallery, Cape Town, 2015.

This exhibition took place "on the eve of the 50th anniversary of her death,with the specific intention of opening a wider debate and bringing fresh perspectives and insights on her work to a new generation of South Africans." Hayden Proud, pg. 11

Contributions include:

"In Defence of Irma Stern: thoughts on art and politics in post-apartheid South Africa" by Lanitra Berger

"The Life of Irma Stern" and "A Gargantuan Feast: analysis of the artist's work" by Andrea Lewis

"Irma Stern and the South African National Gallery" by Hayden Proud

"The Phenomenal Rise of Irma Stern" by Hannah O'Leary.

Paperback: 123 Pages

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Free Collection from Muizenberg Cape Town (message 0636333369 to arrange book collection)